Every year Junior Auxiliary of Brookhaven is involved in the awarding of one national scholarship and two local scholarships. This year, we will be able to award a third local scholarship to area students.
The National Association of Junior Auxiliaries (NAJA) Graduate Scholarship is awarded in mid-winter with applications available beginning September via the Internet at www.NAJANET.org. Begun in 1962, the NAJA Graduate Scholarship Program, has awarded more than 363 grants totaling over $634,000 for graduate study in fields relating to the training of children with special needs. Awards are given to persons pursuing Graduate level fields of study include, but are not limited to, Counseling, Psychology, Mental Retardation, Speech Pathology, Exceptional Children, Remedial Skills Development, Hearing Impaired, Gifted and Talented, Etc. Scholarships are not awarded for graduate work in general education. Award recipients may attend the college or university of their choice.
The Junior Auxiliary of Brookhaven offers its Local $1,000 Scholarship to Senior High students in Lincoln county who demonstrate exemplary scholastic ability but are financially needy. Applications for this scholarship may be obtained through high school counselors beginning in February. Award recipients may choose their field of study and attend the college or university of their choice.
The Will Valentine Memorial Scholarship is awarded each year to a high school senior or college student who demonstrates outstanding service to his or her community through volunteerism. The students must be nominated and may not apply themselves. Nomination forms for this scholarship may be obtained through high school counselors, churches, Brookhaven Chamber of Commerce, and Co-Lin Community college beginning in February. Award recipients may choose their field of study and attend the college or university of their choice.
Junior Auxiliary is an
organization dedicated to rendering charitable services beneficial to the
public, with particular emphasis on children. The primary purpose of the
scholarship program is to present a gift to children who ultimately benefit
from the advanced schooling of the Junior Auxiliary Scholarship recipient.
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